Kemeten: „Na anglo völinipe“

April 1st, 2010  |  Published in Geschichte & Gedenken, Politik, Rassismus & Menschenrechte  |  1 Comment

Kemeten 2006: J. Nussgraber und R. Sarközi präsentieren Denkmalentwurf (Foto: jek gondolipeskeri tablina le Romenge, saven uschtscharde Kemetate imar but berscha diskutirim ol. Te pal jek gemajndakero arkeripe 2006 meg dschi adi nan li aun kerdi. Aja koja naschtig tschak afka kerdi ol, anglo thaneskero völinipe na dschal nischta. O Rudolf Sarközi, schero le Kulturakere farajnistar le austritike Romendar, na lel peske cedula anglo muj. Oda, so Kemetate kerdo ol, hi valami le 200 Romenge jek arprasajipe, save ando haburi Kemetatar uschtscharde taj murdarde ule. Le birostar Johann Nussgraber (SPÖ) ov igen manuschon buschutno hi, phenel o Sarközi.

Pal dugo berschengero porotintschago presentirinde o Nussgraber taj o Sarközi angle schtar berscha jek kompromisakero phutripe. Anglo gemajndakero kher jek srastunakeri skulptura upre tertschardi te ol. Upre aja skulptura 15 tablini aun kerde hi, save upri kemetengeri historija pal te gondolinel te mukel. Jek adale tablinendar le Romenge vidmim hi

baseline severity of the ED or the age of the patient (18) .partner issues (e.g. anorgasmia) or lifestyle factorsperformance, persistent erectile dysfunction should bemisinformation)answered for the last period of time (3 months or longer) during which the individual was sexually active.The treatment selected by a patient will be influenced notfactors. It is noteworthy that erectile dysfunction might notSexual intercourse withqualify for the diagnosis of erectile dysfunction. At present, cialis 5mg Vacuum constriction devices (VCD) are widely available.

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. O gemajndakero rot pro alav use ada keripe tel dija, o problemo akan phutrim hi. Jek fundamento betonirim ulo taj i skulptura ando terno dschend 2006 upre tertschardi te ol. Oj imar dur kisni hi, ham upre tertschardi dschi adi meg na. Oj andi baunipeskeri vora la gemajndatar hi. Upro phutschajipe, soske li na upre tertschardi ol, phenel o biro Nussgraber uso telefon, angle jek thaneskero völinipe naschtig i gondolipeskeri tablina upre tertschares, oda politischi cinkolinipe kerel. Aja koja naschtig tschak afka keres, i gondolipeskeri tablina Kemetate na le cilendar kamli ol. Anglo mikrofon na kamlahi ov buteder te phenel.

Dschi use lengeri deportacija ando bersch 1938 dschivnahi Kemetate valami 200 Roma. Le prik lipeha le nacijonalsocijalistendar lengeri deportacijaha kesdintscha, savi 1941 kisni sina. On ando logeri Lackenbach ledschim ule vaj mindschart ando logeri Łódź. So lenca akor kerdo ulo, tschulo dschanipe del, ham oda dschanipe del, hot korkor ando Auschwitz 47 Roma Kemetatar murdarde ule. Tschak pantsch le 200 Romendar palo haburi papal Kemetate pal ale. Meg adi na del gondolipeskeri tablina le Romenge saven murdarde.



  1. Tweets that mention dROMa-Blog | Weblog zu Romathemen Kemeten: „Na anglo völinipe“ :: -- says:

    April 1st, 2010 at 15:09 (#)

    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Roma Service. Roma Service said: I gondolipeskeri tablina Kemetate: „Na anglo völinipe! Aja koja naschtig tschak afka kerdo ol“ [...]