World Roma Congress, 15. bis 17. Mai 2023

Mai 14th, 2023  |  Published in Einrichtungen, Veranstaltungen & Ausstellungen

Logo WRC 2023Ab morgen 16 Uhr treffen sich in Berlin Ver­treter und Ver­tre­terin­nen von Roma-Or­ga­nisatio­nen aus 30 Ländern beim World Roma Congress, um drei Tage lang die ak­tuell drän­gends­ten Themen der Roma-Com­mu­nitys zu dis­kutieren. Das detail­lierte Pro­gramm fin­den Sie auf der Web­seite:

Teilnehmende Organisationen:
Bundes Roma Verband e.V. • Roma Center e.V./ Roma Antidiscrimination Network • RomaniPhen e.V. • Romani Kafava e.V. • Förderverein Roma e.V. • Pro Sinti & Roma e.V. • Internationaler Kultur und Sport Verein der Roma Carmen e.V. • Roma und Sinti Philharmoniker e.V. • Voice of Roma • Wakti Romano e.V. • Rom e.V. • Rroma Informations Centrum e.V. • So Keres Romnja Youth Theatre Jugendtheater Berlin • Lokhar e Dukh e.V. • With Wings and Roots e.V. • Medien und Kulturzentrum Deutscher Roma e.V. • safe space e.V. • Romano Sumnal e.V. Verband der Roma und Sinti in Sachsen • Roma Art Academy • Initiative gegen Antiromaismus Dresden • Rroma Society/Drustvo Rroma • Stiftung Kai Dikhas • Roma Respekt • VVNBDA • Bildungswerk für Erinnerungsarbeit und Frieden • Rroma teachers association for school education and culture e.V. • Union des Rroms de l’ex-Yougoslavie en Diaspora, France • Roma European Union Jekhipe, Belgium • Chachipe Rights & Justice, Denmark • Kosovo Roma Rights Coalition, Roma in Diaspora • Yurom Centar, Serbia • Liga Roma Skrug, Serbia • Rom Vote, England • Kale Amenge, Spain • La Orden del Fenix, Spain • Belarusian Roma Diaspora, Belarus • EU Roma Press, France • Kirkayak Kültür Dom, Turkey • Roma Club Subotica, Serbia • Roma Mandate DT US, USA • Romski Kulturni Centar Niš, Serbia • Centre for Roma Studies and Cultural Relations Antar Rashtriya Sahayog Parishad, India • Indian Council for Cultural Relations, India • Amnesty International Ålborg, Denmark • COMPAS Charity, England • ROTA Roma Organisation for Training and Advocacy, England • European Drom, England • Ad Astra per Aspera, Serbia • DNT Political Front, India • Yag Bari Alicante, Spain • Skandinavian Roma Women Network, Denmark • Romane domacice, Denmark • Sinti Art, Poland • RSO Harangos, Poland • Foleja Roma Cultural association for school education, Kosovo • Association of Roma Students, Serbia • Budhan Theatre, India • Vimukta inc., USA • Indian Council for International Cooperation, India • Bakhtalo Drom, Ukraine • Dianne Post & Barry Fischer, Counsels of the Kosovo Roma Rights Coalition • Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre, Ireland • International Roma Research Institute of Sliven, Bulgaria • Integratsiooni Sihtasutuse, Estonia • Romsko udruženje Bela Romkinja Srbija • Institute for Social Change, Macedonia • Conatus, France • Confederação Brasileira C***a, Brasil • Romani Iniciyativa, Gračanica, Kosovo • Roma World Serbia • Light and Life Missions of India, India • Mulnivasi Livelihoods Research and Revival Council, India • Romska inicijativa mladih Gyspy soul, Serbia • Pachinkoh (Magazine), Pakistan • Roda C***a Rede Humanitária, Brasil • Aroostook band of micmacs, USA • CEREZ Centar za edukaciju Roma i etnickih zajednica, Serbia • Roma advocacy and research centre, Slovakia • Asociación socioeducativa e intercultural la estrella y la milagrosa, Spain • Roma Parliament Civil Rights Movement in Hungary • Center for the development of the Roma community Amaro drom, Serbia • Man at risk, Slowakia • Taro Romane Vasta ko Romano Vilo, Belgium • Roma Forum Serbia • Denotified Nomadic Tribes Development Council • The Empowerment centre of Nomads and Tribes • AGRI Association of Gypsies / Romani International, USA • Taternes Landsforening(National Association for Travellers in Norway • Roma Parliament, Ungarn • European Roma Forum in Estonia

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